My Top 10 Most Important Weight Loss Tips
I am regularly coaxing people along their weight loss journey and the other day someone asked me if I could only give 10 weight loss tips, what would they be. So, as January is traditionally a time for body re-evaluation, I set to the task. After much scribbling and...
I Was Going To Sit Down With A Gin And Tonic, But Then I Felt Compelled…
…to write about the article in today’s Times (Saturday 3 January 2015). I always make a point of scouring the nationals the first Saturday after New Year. You can bet the leftover Christmas cake that someone is going to (try to) come up with some new way...
How Many Emails Will You Get Saying “New Year, New You”?
Enough to drive you mad, I imagine. Every PT, fitness instructor and weight-loss provider in the land is thinking up new ways of promoting their way of training, their way of eating, their way of dealing with calories, points, how you should ‘train like a...
Tips For Pulling Your Belt In…
…In more ways than one. Right, I’ll be brief. You’re busy. Do you recognise these symptoms? You feel a bit sort of… soft… everywhere? You’re desperate to get shot of all the carby, sugary temptations in the house and you feel you...
Eating For Another Reason Other Than Hunger….
Let’s take a quick festive look at EMOTIONAL EATING. That weird devil-may-care “hand to mouth” movement that happens all on its own, without any input from you. You’ve had a right set-to with your teenage daughter about looking at her phone all...Page 6 of 8