When Everyone Else Is Having Ferrero Rocher, You Could Have These…
….and feel oh so smug. Ok, ok, they look like anaemic meatballs but they are very moreish and very filling. They’re packed with protein, good fats and are delicious with a large decaf or as an end of the day treat when the rest of the family is cuddling...
From Big Weights, Little Bodies Do Grow… Don’t Be Frightened Of Muscle
Muscle. Very expressive word, isn’t it? Smacks of manliness, testosterone and sweat. Large, pumped bodies stripped of fat with a knobbly six-pack. And it’s a word women avoid. Out of fear and, probably, misunderstanding. Well, I’d like to put it...
Group Training + Some Pushy Trainers = Loose Jeans
I’ve got post-Inchloss blues. There’s nothing much in life which makes me down (other than real issues like world poverty, aids, ebola, famine and the loathsome greed of some individuals) but today I feel ever so slightly at a loose end. I’m talking...
Having A Goal. Keeping To It. Coping With Change.
In anything you want to achieve you have to look at the ‘now’. Really stare it in the face, puff yourself up, adopt fighting stance, knit your eyebrows together and think deep and hard. So, in terms of changing body shape (because that’s my thing), your goal...
Ticking That Exercise Box? Or Really Training?
I have been roused to move from the to-ings and fro-ings of my email inbox to blog. And I’m going to sound like one of those personal trainers who bangs on (from the comfort of their own size 8 body) about how you should train hard, eat lean, jump high, squat low,...Page 7 of 8