Dinner-Lady Arms, Damp Armpits, Depression And A Demeanour That Says ‘Grumpy’… Is This What We Have To Face?
The menopause. Not a word we bandy around with confidence is it? It smacks of sweaty top lips, flabby underarms, mood swings of epic proportions and a smidgen of lethargy in the bedroom department. Frankly, we’d rather put it the back of our minds. Classic symptoms...Diets, Exercise And Medical People
I’m currently juggling 10 things in my mind… which one to blog about? Should it be about that new recipe book I got which claimed to be clean (but there’s honey in every recipe?) Or 10 snacks you can get from M&S which don’t have sugar in?...
Guilt Isn’t Necessarily A Negative Emotion
I would have made, according to my great friend Karen, a fantastic Catholic. Permanently clothed in a hair shirt (although I feel camisole is more apt), the word ‘guilt’ trips off my tongue far too readily. “Listen, if we’re going out for wine...
Why, Oh Why, Oh Why Must I Do Exercise If I Want To Stay In Shape?
Right, here we go. This is about losing weight with a mixture of good diet and the right training. You can’t do one without the other. It’s the end of the day, you’ve got 5 minutes and you want this blog post to enter your psyche, your brain cells or...
When Support Is The Most Valuable Gift You Can Give Someone
February is the most… shall we say… unremarkable month isn’t it? We’ve had the cheeriness of Christmas, the glamour of New Year, we girded our loins for January and dusted off our aspirations and aims, only to emerge into cloudy February with a...Page 5 of 8