Muscles… And The Menopause
Last weekend I spent the day in the company of an old friend of mine. We hadn’t seen each other for, oooh, at least a year, so the chat, the laughter (and the chilled Chardonnay) were all flowing nicely. She’s just turned 50, so much of our talk was along...Oh No! Not Puffy Ankles… What To Do About Water Retention
If you’re a habitual dieter and love nothing better than to beat yourself up by stepping on the scales, then the number you see rising or decreasing may have nothing to do with fat levels. It could be your body is holding onto more water than it should. This is called...Stress, And Its Effect On Fat Stores
Let’s talk about Cortisol Cortisol is a hormone and is produced by the adrenal glands and it influences and regulates many of the changes which occur in the body in response to stress. It also soothes the path for some other important hormones to get sorted...How To Get Strong And Defined Abs
Summer is coming and we are going to be baring more flesh. Hence, there is a tendency amongst all of us to aim for less wobble and more tone. It is the defined abs which seem to be the mark of success – it reeks discipline, focus, sweat and ‘treat...The Female Chest: How To Encourage The Uplift
In our early forties, our once lovely breasts start to lose their roundness, their fullness and their ‘have me, I’m yours’-ness. This is in part due to our breast tissue starting to become less glandular and more fatty which makes them feel less firm. Declining...Page 2 of 8