We’ve allowed ourselves a little trumpet-blowing…
I have the lovely job of Fitness Columnist for Woman&Home magazine, another platform I can use to help coax us mid-lifers towards improved strength, fitness, self-esteem, stable hormones and smaller trousers.
“Annie Deadman is an inspiration to us all! Her woman&home Facebook workouts fit perfectly into our busy lives and we’re delighted she’s now a regular fixture for her devoted fans.” – Catherine Westwood, Editor-in-chief, Woman&Home
The 21 Day Blast Plan Book
I am so proud. On 28 December 2018 my first book was published by Harper Collins, just in time to help everyone along with their New Year health and well-being plans.
I was so chuffed to be asked to write this book so that the wonderful Blast Plan can reach even more people. The workouts are effective, the recipes are delicious – and mostly different to the online plan – and were devised with the help of the accomplished nutritionist, Joy Skipper, who has masses of books to her own name.
The rest of the book is what you would expect – no-nonsense information for the mid-life market about losing fat and getting healthier. It’s a brilliant read, both entertaining and hilarious.
The Sunday Telegraph
December 2018
In a feature to promote the 21 Day Blast Plan book, the journalist Lucy Dunn rolled up her sleeves and got stuck in. The piece gave a true but glowing testimonial and the coverage was colossal. Lucy loved it so much, she then signed up to the online Blast plan… without any arm-twisting!

Prima Magazine
January 2019
This was such a fun shoot. The team at Prima were so encouraging and professional and somehow they managed to coax me into a glitter jumpsuit.
The result was a terrific 5 page promotion of the Blast book, the plan, and all its benefits.
Woman’s Own Magazine
December 2018
A great piece giving 2 double page spreads over to some of the mouth-watering Blast recipes and me looking a total lemon performing some of the workout moves.

My Weekly Magazine
January 2019
Under the title of "Annie’s 21 Day Blast Plan!" the feature focused on some extracts from the book and included some copy written by me especially for My Weekly.
A lovely article with, again, some more bonkers photos of me looking tousled and puffed.
Health & Wellbeing Magazine
February 2019
This is a great magazine with all my favourite subjects in one place.
For the purposes of the book promotion, the focus in this feature is on the gut and the recipes they extracted from the book are all vegan. Colourful photos with snappy copy, the article really does the book justice.

The Daily Mail
January 2017
In January 2017 the journalist Kathryn Flett was commissioned by the Daily Mail to do a 7 day taster of The 21 Day Blast plan. She came, she loved and she lost.
“What is refreshingly new is Annie’s attitude. When I read on her website that she likes cycling, running and lifting horribly heavy weights… and cake, I warm to her at once.”
The Sunday Times Style Magazine
August 2016
Viv Groskop, comedian and author, wrote in the Style magazine in August 2016 of her three stone loss. And of her unswerving hatred of exercise!
“I decided that the whole bootcamp/eating thing was no longer my problem. I was outsourcing it to the woman who runs my bootcamps, Annie Deadman. All I have to do is turn up and she will do the rest. In the first 9 months I lost 9lbs. Proper sustained weight loss does not happen overnight, I’m sorry to report. It takes repeated tiny efforts. I just have to do what Annie Deadman says, it’s her problem not mine. Hello reduced likelihood of death. Goodbye humungous.”

“I have not got home from a class (6am!) and not felt fabulous.”
“Day 10 of Blast: Being over 50, I’ve seen improvements in the last 10 days that no expensive creams or even botox could achieve. Thank you!!”
[Of The Blast Plan] “Just one question: Is it right that I shouldn’t be feeling hungry?” ??????
“I can feel my hip bones!! Last seen 2010.”
“Blast is a fantastic programme which gives you the resolve and advice you need to get the results you want.”
“I haven’t got a nice word to say about burpees… but, yep, love those classes. 6am is a mental time to be training, but it works for lots of us.”
“Annie and her team have made exercise addictive for me. How did that happen?”
“I lack self motivation to work out on my own or at a faceless gym and I feel extremely fortunate to have found Annie and her team who really care about your personal well-being and who are wonderfully supportive and motivating. Their vast knowledge of health and nutrition is coupled with hard exercise (so bloody hard) and I feel fit and fab.”
“Those instructors are maddening, they never tire of trying to improve your technique. Ever.”