Questions you might want to ask

Fitness Class FAQ
If there’s anything we haven’t covered, please do get in touch.
1) Can I have a free session to start?
Yes, of course! If you are unsure of whether you want to join the classes, then simply email Annie and book a free taster session of any classes which interest you. If you are brand new to exercise, please don’t be worried. We are all very inclusive and the classes have a variety of fitness levels.
2) How do I book?
You may book 1 class a week. Or up to 3 classes a week. Or unlimited classes per week. We operate in ‘terms’, roughly in line with state school term times. That means that payment would be required for that term. You may divide your payment into two and pay half at the beginning of the term, and the other half half-way through the term. Just ask Annie. You may also swap around your options. Within any one term, you may book 1 class a week for 2 weeks and 3 classes a week for 4 weeks. A minimum of 4 weeks booking (of any class option) is required within any one term. No joining fee, no direct debit, just great training at practical locations with people who want to train and get results.
3) Do I have to do the same classes each week?
You can swap around your choice of classes each week, any week. For example, if you have booked on the 3 classes a week option, then one week you might do Wednesday Circuits, Friday Bootcamp and Saturday Boxing. The next week, that might change. You don’t have to let us know, you just turn up.
3) I'd love to read your Terms & Conditions, where can I find them? 😉
We thought you’d never ask! Please read our terms and conditions.
Pilates FAQ
If there’s anything we haven’t covered, please do get in touch.
1) Why should I do Pilates?
Pilates can do a number of things. The exercises are designed to help you learn how to isolate the right muscle to do the right job. As we go through life our bodies get used to a certain way of sitting or walking which isn’t necessarily comfortable or correct. Some muscles therefore do their own job but also that of other muscles which have become weak. Performing Pilates exercises will help you identify these weaker muscles (say, your glutes) and we will learn how to strengthen them. Pilates therefore will lengthen the tight and strengthen the weak. Pilates also focuses on improving mobility and flexibility. During each exercise you will be using and strengthening your core.
2) Does it involve any jumping or high impact moves?
No! You will spend a good bit of the time on a mat with varying pieces of equipment (all supplied). You may also do some standing exercises. You will work hard, both at the moves and at your focus. So best not to attend these classes if you are looking for a nice lie-down at the end of a day.
3) Should I attend the Beginners Course first?
The regular classes (intermediate) are only for those who have some experience in Pilates. If you are totally new to it, then you should attend one of our Beginner’s courses which are held throughout the year. Usually a 5 week course, the sessions will ensure you get a good grasp of basic Pilates skills so that you understand why it is a good discipline to practise regularly and how it helps your body become more efficient and contributes well to any other fitness activities you do. Once you have completed a Beginner course, it will be at Annie’s discretion whether the next level of class is suitable for you.
Personal Training FAQ
If there’s anything we haven’t covered, please do get in touch.
1) How can I get started?
Personal training is a fantastic way of meeting your own specific needs. You will build up a rapport with your trainer and together you will be working hard to make sure you achieve what is set out. Simply contact Annie with a brief outline of your goals and your preferred times. We will see what availability there is, and the allocated PT will get in touch to get some details from you. The minimum is once a week. This shows us you are committed to change and improvement. You may book just one session at first to see how you get on. After that the minimum bookable upfront is 5 sessions. These must be paid for in advance. Personal Training cannot be paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis.
2) Will the personal training include a nutrition plan?
Yes, in most cases, it will. You will be expected to keep a food diary and show this to your PT on a regular basis.
3) How will I make progress?
Through regular checks on nutrition, fat measurements and fitness and strength tests. The PT may modify your nutrition and your training regularly in order to keep the body in a state of progression. He/she will take into account any other training you do. Contact Annie to find out more.